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Lola van Gogh

Smoky Visits a
National Park

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Lola, a young girl grieving the loss of her father, dreams of her friendship with her favorite painter Vincent van Gogh by visiting the artist in Arles, France.

Smoky is a black bear cub that spends time exploring a boutiful park.  Along the way he meets new friends including a marmot named Mills.

44-page illustrated children's books.

Written by Kevin Amsler

Illustrated by Vickie Amsler

Logan Ramsey

The story begins with an injured chipmunk found by a park ranger who aids the creature into health. When the chipmunk, now named Logan, is returned to his home in the park, his life changes when he secretly jumps into a car of a visiting family...


...and then the adventure begins.

84-page black and white illustrated children's book is available via Amazon in paperback or e-book.

Logan Ramsey Front Cover - New Final.jpg

My wife Vickie has a website displaying her art at:


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